I had on a beautiful...
Quote by Amy Tan

I had on a beautiful

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Amy Tan

I had on a beautiful red dress, but what i saw was even more valuable. I was strong. I was pure. I had genuine thoughts inside that no one could see, that no one could ever take away from me. I was like the wind. -lindo

Amy Tan


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Other Quotes by Amy Tan

She [my mother] said that if i listened to her, later i would know what she knew: where true words came from, always from up high, above everything else. And if i didn't listen to her, she said my ear would bend too easily to other people, all saying words that had no lasting meaning, because they came from the bottom of their hearts, where their own desires lived, a place where i could not belong. Amy Tan
Ying-ying, you have tiger eyes. They gather fire in the day. At night they shine golden. Amy Tan
It's a luxury being a writer, because all you ever think about is life. Amy Tan
We are living in a world where everything is false. The society is like bright paint applied on top of rotten wood. Amy Tan
I saw my mother in a different light. We all need to do that. You have to be displaced from what's comfortable and routine, and then you get to see things with fresh eyes, with new eyes. Amy Tan
And below the heimongmong, all along the ground, were weeds already spilling out over the edges, running wild in every direction. Amy Tan

Amy Tan

Film writer (1952 - 1933)

Beautiful Strong Wind

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