Memories Quotes

Life is an ongoing cycle, it never stops for anyone. With its continuing cycle, it brings lots of happy and sad moments in a person`s life. One life to this moment and memories, these cherished and overjoyed memories help a person to forget the bad times. The memories bring solitude and peace in life, the feeling of joy run crosses the face as you see any memory. The flashes of memory is a medicine to cure and heal any wound. These small and big memories from the past make us membered of good and bad times. It helps us to keep united with family and friends.

Memories are like stray water that keeps its place in the heart and minds of people. The memories lie in the deep of the heart and bring a joyful feeling if remembered. Friends and family are the most important part of life, you cannot live in isolation, and one has to make friends start the journey of life. Memories are recalled by looking at the snap book or any event similar to that occurs in the past. In old age, people used to spend a lot of time remembering their memories and happy time spent with their friends and families.

There are many problems in families and among friends, but they are happy to have family and friends to share their secrets and helps each other during a bad time. These small events made memories and recall one you find someone in the same situation, you were in the past. Memories are too spread joy and enjoy life with happiness.